Monday, October 7, 2019

Transformative Development Planning

Transformative project design and implementation is the newest approach in development planning. This model values beneficiaries who become part and parcel of the project. They begin by making contributions to the Theory of Change (TOC). Here, primary targets identify needs, root causes, and find solutions by themselves. As planners, we take the ideas to the next level although maintain the language of the beneficiaries as simple as possible. A Case in point about transformative planning happened with  adolescent girls in Mathare recently when Otto Benecker Foundation team engaged in project fact finding mission about sexual abuse, exploitation and violence in January-June 2019.

One could easily feel the reality on the ground as girls expressed about statements and actions that are said and done to their bodies as they mingle with key influencers. Positive statements made them feel valued, loved and appreciated and mainly increased their self-confidence. On the contrary, negative statements made them feel disgusted, unappreciated, stigmatized and contributed to their low self-esteem and poor performance at school. The involvement of the girls then informed planners of various emerging needs as unsafe physical and emotional spaces for girls. This approach to planning makes planning easy for both the community, the primary target and the project staff.  (to be continued......)

The World Environment Day 2019

The World environment day 2019 - dubbed climate change for peace action brought together otto benecker foundation, Nairobi recyclers, miti alliance, conflict transformation for development, team change, anita children's home-ngong, ward administration's office, kabiro ward nairobi county, public primary schools, shepherd self help groups participated in clean up and tree planting exercises.
The event aimed at creating awareness about the effect of climate change on urban livelihoods and encouraged partners to engage in urban afforetation efforts so that we could increase the forest cover. We also observed that, by engaging pupils in primary schools was  a sustainable preventive measure as the values and beliefs about environmental conservation would be embraced by the budding conservationists.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Clean UP Exercise and Tree Planting

On 14th September 2019, Otto Benecker Foundation with other stakeholders organized a Clean up exercise in Dagoretti, Muslim Primary to gear up for the 21st World Clean Up Day - themed climate action  for peace. Fruit and non fruit trees were  in the public school and a clean up exercise conducted around the school to create awareness about need for urban afforestation.

KBC THE LEGENDS CREW,  NAIROBI CLUSTER AND OTTO BENECKER FOUNDATION TEAM  In another encounter, Kenya Broadcasting Television The Legends Cr...